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內容簡介: All New Easy True Stories, by Sandra Heyer, continues the True Stories tradition with a companion book to Easy True Stories. Written at the same level, the text features all new stories and exercises.

A man chokes on his favorite food, but his daughter saves him in a very unusual way. What is it?

A lonely sailor puts a message in a bottle. A fisherman finds it and gives it to his daughter. What does she do with it?

On a very hot day, a boy finds two puppies locked in a car. How does he keep th博客來em alive? 博客來網路書局The real believe-it-or-not tales are adapted from newspapers and magazines and are sure to captivate students of English. The stories are told as simply as possible and are written almost exclusively in the present tense. Nine pre-reading drawings introduce each unit visually and ease st博客來書店udents into reading.


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  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2004/08/17
  • 語言:英文

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聰明人如何思考 3 視覺思考力50題





















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